Bleu, Blanc, Rouge

Opera Trilogy:

Les enfants des briqueteries sous le ciel Bleu;

Les enfants de Wenchuan sous le nuages Blanc;

Mères de Tiananmen sous le soleil Rouge

Opera Trilogy:

I bambini di mattoni sotto il cielo Blu;

Bambini Wenchuan sotto il nuvole Bianche;

Madri di Tiananmen sotto il sole Rosso

Opera Trilogy:

Brick children under the Blue sky;

Wenchuan children under White clouds;

Tiananmen Mothers under the Red Sun

歌剧3部 曲:




Hugo Aujourd'hui

Hugo Oggi

Hugo Today


2009-06-22 08:31

2009-06-22 08:31

2009-06-22 08:31

2009-06-22 08:31

普世价值:自由,平等,博爱 extrait de

Paris Bijoux: Scientifiques Marie Curie & Pierre Curie

- Dédié à Mme Ding Zilin et tous les "Mères de Tiananmen Square", vous souhaite à tous bonne santé et longevous

Parigi Titbits: Scienziati Marie Curie e Pierre Curie

- Dedicato alla Signora Ding Zilin e tutti "Madre piazza Tiananmen", desidero salutare tutti voi e longevous

Paris Titbits: Scientists Marie Curie & Pierre Curie

- Dedicated to Ms. Zilin Ding and all "Mother Tiananmen Square", wish you all healthy and longevous

巴 黎漫步: 科 学家玛丽亚·居里和皮埃尔·居里

-谨以 此文献给丁子霖女士以及所有的“天安门母亲”,祝你们健康长寿

Hugo Aujourd'hui

Hugo Oggi

Hugo Today


科 学家居里夫妇生平介绍(位于灵墓正对面)
L'introduction des scientifiques couple Mme et M. Curie (vis-à-vis leurs tombeaux)
Introduction of Scientist Couple Ms & Mr. Curie (opposite to their Tombs)

科 学家居里夫妇灵墓
Tombeaux de Mme et de M. Curie de couples de scientifiques
Tombs of Scientist Couple Ms & Mr. Curie

仰 望先贤堂,宏伟的列柱廊上方,三角楣上镶嵌着法国祖国女神为伟人们配戴桂冠的浮雕。
横 梁上镌刻的一句话令人热血澎湃:‘伟人们,祖国感念你们!’(Aux Grands Hommes La Patrie Reconnaissante

先 贤堂,200838“三·八”妇女节(友情照片取自亿维网,谢谢)[2]
Panthéon ( Photo de courtoisie de Web )
Pantheon ( Courtesy photo from Web )

光荣、可敬的非 传统的圣贤
Honorables, Peu-Orthodoxe Sauge
Unorthodox Sage

致 敬!

摄 影日期:20065
Photo Date : Mai 2006
Photo Date: May 2006

摄 影地点:巴黎,先贤堂
Photo Lieu de rendez-vous : Paris, Panthéon
Photo Venue : Paris, Pantheon

后 记


参 考文献


Obsessive Genius The Inner World of Marie Curie
Author: Barbara Goldsmith

Ada Lovelace Day: Pantheon of Women

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 by Billy

[I have not found the time to write a blog about Marie Skłodowska Curie, as I thought of doing within the context of Ada Lovelace Day. I will use a subterfuge then: on March 8, 2008, for the International Women's Day, I posted an entry on my defunct blog on Yahoo! 360° that dealt with nine French Women who would deserve to rest in the Panthéon in Paris. The entry disappeared with that blog. Here it is again in this one. Granted, most of the women celebrated were not involved in technology. Yet everyone of them, each in her field, can be considered 'female role models' undoubtedly.]

: — : — : — : — : —

The Panthéon — Paris, 8 March 2008

The Panthéon — Paris, 8 March 2008

I must say I am divided about the International Women's Day, celebrated every March 8th. I certainly agree women are still not considered equal to men in a lot of countries, for cultural and religious reasons. Even in western countries, there is no fair equality between genders in many fields, salaries especially.
On the other hand, I don't believe a yearly celebration can change the way men consider women, or make a religion evolves. I find it cheaply gives people clear conscience sometimes: one
Women's Day a year, and 364 (365 even, this year) uncelebrated Men's Days...
Anyway... I went to the Panthéon this morning to see the portraits of nine French female figureheads displayed on its facade to celebrate Women's Day, and take pictures myself.
Le Panthéon is a neoclassical monument on the top of the Montagne Sainte-Geneviève, in the 5th arrondissement of Paris. It was originally built as a church dedicated to
St. Genevieve, the patron of the city. It is now the burial place for 'French National Heroes' (Pantheon in Greek means 'All the Gods'). The inscription in letters of gold above the entrance reads AUX GRANDS HOMMES LA PATRIE RECONNAISSANTE (To the great men [from] the grateful homeland).
The word
Men here is supposed to mean Human beings, yet among the 73 honoured people buried here, there is only one woman, Marie Curie. Although it was definitely theoretical, I was interested to see which women the Parisian elites had considered deserving enough to be next to Mirabeau, Voltaire and Hugo. Here they are.

ImageSimone de Beauvoir (1908-1986philosopher and writer). An existentialist, she lived with Jean-Paul Sartre for several decades. She was among the most influential intellectuals in the second half of 20th century. Her book The second sex is regarded as a major feminist book.

ImageColette (1873-1954writer). Her literary talent was first exploited by her hu*****and Willy, but she became emancipated... and scandalous for a time (music-hall shows and overt affairs with men and women). She published around 50 novels, one can divide into idyllic natural tales and dark struggles in relationships and love.

ImageMarie Curie (1867-1934Physicist) Born in Poland, Maria Skłodowska went to Paris aged 24 to study and became a naturalized French. At the Sorbonne, she met and married Pierre Curie. She won the Nobel Prize twice: in Physics in 1903 (discovery of radioactivity) and Chemistry in 1911 (discovery of Radium and Polonium).

ImageCharlotte Delbo (1913-1985resistance fighter). She was arrested by the Nazis in 1942 and sent to Auschwitz concentration camp. She was one of the 49 women who survived. She wrote several books about it, including a biography of every prisoner who was with her in the convoy to Auschwitz.

ImageMaria Deraismes (1828-1894politician and freemason). A figurehead of feminism, she was a republican (i.e. not royalist), antireligious politician. In 1893, she co-founded the first International Order of Mixed Freemasonry, advocating equality between women and men, Le Droit Humain.

ImageOlympe de Gouges (1748-1793politician). She is regarded as one of the first French feminists. In her Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen, she challenged the practice of male authority and the notion of male-female inequality. She was executed by guillotine during the Reign of Terror.

ImageLouise Michel (1830-1905politician). A revolutionary and an anarchist, she was active during the Paris Commune as an ambulance woman. After the Versaillais won, she was sentenced to deportation in New-Caledonia. She returned to Paris 7 years later and preached the revolution until her death, despite several stays in jail and exile in London.

ImageGeorge Sand (1804-1876writer) Born Aurore Dupin, she decided to take a male nick to be more easily published. She would dress as a man, smoke the pipe, ride like a man, yet she had tumultuous liaisons with Alfred de Musset and Frédéric Chopin. She was a feminist, asking for women's right to divorce and equality in civil rights.

ImageSolitude (1772-1802fighter against slavery). In 1794, the revolution freed this mulatto slave. When Napoléon Bonaparte restored slavery in 1802, Solitude rose up in arms although she was pregnant. She was wounded, captured and sentenced to death. Her hanging was delayed until the day after she gave birth. Slavery in France was abolished for good in 1848 only.

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祝她们健康长寿。 -今 日雨果- 给 今日雨果 发送悄悄话 今日雨果 的博客首页 今日雨果 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (53 reads) 06/19/2009 postreply 22:20:37

真不错,建个先显祠,供各路英雄,而不是神仙,皇帝. -老 杨- 给 老杨 发送悄悄话 老杨 的个人群组 (48 bytes) (111 reads) 06/19/2009 postreply 23:35:19

谢谢共鸣!建在天安门广场上的那个位置才最“理想”呢? -今 日雨果- 给 今日雨果 发送悄悄话 今日雨果 的博客首页 今日雨果 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (48 reads) 06/20/2009 postreply 09:34:57

哪个位置才最“理想”呢? -今 日雨果- 给 今日雨果 发送悄悄话 今日雨果 的博客首页 今日雨果 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (54 reads) 06/20/2009 postreply 09:35:21

先贤祠 对不起,我眼睛不好,常打错字. -老 杨- 给 老杨 发送悄悄话 老杨 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (52 reads) 06/19/2009 postreply 23:36:54

祝小杨健康长寿 :) -今 日雨果- 给 今日雨果 发送悄悄话 今日雨果 的博客首页 今日雨果 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (51 reads) 06/20/2009 postreply 09:15:08

也纪念一下当年的告密者和告密者的朋友以及告密者的朋友的朋友 -Aleph- 给 Aleph 发送悄悄话 Aleph 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (44 reads) 06/20/2009 postreply 00:53:28

小雨小评:您这句话,在二楼的“信噪比”很高;在顶楼(五楼)的“歧义性(ambigu239;té)”也很高^^ -今 日雨果- 给 今日雨果 发送悄悄话 今日雨果 的博客首页 今日雨果 的个人群组 (113 bytes) (63 reads) 06/20/2009 postreply 09:10:06

"ambiguité"! 雨果,知音哪。。。 -Aleph- 给 Aleph 发送悄悄话 Aleph 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (38 reads) 06/20/2009 postreply 09:19:22

嘻嘻。先清一下场:有装甲汉在场吗? -今 日雨果- 给 今日雨果 发送悄悄话 今日雨果 的博客首页 今日雨果 的个人群组 (50 bytes) (53 reads) 06/20/2009 postreply 09:31:04

周末,没事 -Aleph- 给 Aleph 发送悄悄话 Aleph 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (34 reads) 06/20/2009 postreply 09:39:49

小雨一直在冥思苦索歌剧“砖窑孩子”剧情的主要并行线索应该有几条?很苦涩呀。您有何高见? -今 日雨果- 给 今日雨果 发送悄悄话 今日雨果 的博客首页 今日雨果 的个人群组 (86 bytes) (48 reads) 06/20/2009 postreply 10:21:11

这个问题不便回答呀^^ -Aleph- 给 Aleph 发送悄悄话 Aleph 的个人群组 (41 bytes) (66 reads) 06/20/2009 postreply 11:02:19

那个版本莫有浪漫主义的气质,基本不予考虑^^ -今 日雨果- 给 今日雨果 发送悄悄话 今日雨果 的博客首页 今日雨果 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (66 reads) 06/20/2009 postreply 11:19:14

这更不好办了^^ -Aleph- 给 Aleph 发送悄悄话 Aleph 的个人群组 (39 bytes) (59 reads) 06/20/2009 postreply 13:21:01

Woala,有啦!歌剧三部曲的体系结构=“蓝”+“白”+“红”,即“砖窑孩子”+“汶川孩子”+“天安门母亲”。谢谢您的 Soule -今 日雨果- 给 今日雨果 发送悄悄话 今日雨果 的博客首页 今日雨果 的个人群组 (123 bytes) (96 reads) 06/22/2009 postreply 08:31:02

有基斯洛夫斯基遗风哈--“蓝”部分用俺的剧本么?:) -uke- 给 uke 发送悄悄话 uke 的博客首页 uke 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (40 reads) 06/22/2009 postreply 08:41:14

俺跟上面的帖子,咋到这里来了?:)) -uke- 给 uke 发送悄悄话 uke 的博客首页 uke 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (42 reads) 06/22/2009 postreply 08:53:44

懂啦,跟你的超级连接过来的 :)) -uke- 给 uke 发送悄悄话 uke 的博客首页 uke 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (52 reads) 06/22/2009 postreply 08:59:21

★ 歌剧三部曲:蓝天下的砖窑孩子;白云下的汶川孩子;红日下的天安门母亲(立题,待展开) -今 日雨果- 给 今日雨果 发送悄悄话 今日雨果 的博客首页 今日雨果 的个人群组 (89 bytes) (55 reads) 06/22/2009 postreply 23:35:24

Bravo!【法兰西坦会谈联合公报】的后继效应,此博文终于插到法兰西坦上高高飘扬。法坦的诸位志士仁人们,继续努力,把后 继效应的旗 -今 日雨果- 给 今日雨果 发送悄悄话 今日雨果 的博客首页 今日雨果 的个人群组 (505 bytes) (90 reads) 06/20/2009 postreply 19:06:18


Les Enfants des Briqueteries”


Bambini in Borno”


Children in Kiln”



Hugo Aujourd'hui

Hugo Oggi

Hugo Today

今 日雨果


意大利,佛罗伦萨,欧洲文艺复兴发源地,市中心 广场上,孩子们正聚精会神地在砖上雕刻爱心。小雨摄于20075

意大利,佛罗伦萨,市中心,位于同 一个广场上,供儿童们游玩的旋转木马。小雨摄于20075












(男女声二重唱)孩子 啊孩子,你在哪里?

你的爸爸妈妈在想 你。

不要流泪,不 要哭泣,

黑暗就会 过去,光明就要来临。

(童 声独唱)星星啊星星,请你不停地眨眼睛,

为 小豆子指引方向。

月亮啊月亮,请你快快钻 出云朵,

为小豆子点一盏明 灯。

(男女声二重 唱)孩子啊孩子,你在哪里?

你的爸爸妈 妈在找你。

不要难 过,不要伤心,

冬 天已经过去,春天已经来临。

小 鸟啊小鸟,请你快快醒来歌唱,

教 育我们的孩子鼓起勇气。

太 阳啊太阳,请你快快升起,

为 我们的孩子带去温暖和光明。

(合 唱)孩子啊孩子,我们看见了 你,

你 的亲人们会帮你。

擦 去眼泪,看清世界,

把 妖魔赶下地狱,把鬼怪押上法 庭。

孩 子啊孩子,我们看见了你,

全 世界的叔叔阿姨们会关心你。

抬 起头,挺起胸,

你 一定是个好孩子,你一定会成个 好艺术家。







(童声独唱,男女童声二重唱,童声 合唱,少年芭蕾伴舞)


我天天早晨赶着它们到池塘 里

小鸭子向着我嘎嘎嘎地 叫



再见吧, 小鸭子

我要 上学了

杏 花村里养了一群小鸭子

我放学回来赶着它们到棚 里去

小鸭子向着我嘎嘎嘎 地叫



睡觉 吧,小鸭子

太 阳下山了

在 美术老师的精心培育下,小豆子 (肖青松)爱上了泥塑艺 术。。。

(童 声独唱,童声合唱)




在一群神秘的好心人的帮助下,他乘小船背井离乡,飞奔自由。。。(可引鉴罗 西尼歌剧《
Tancredi"Di tanti palpiti"中乘船的情景及八位歌唱家对该咏叹调不同的演唱风格[5]

肖青松出国后,观看到《巴赫- 为自由而战》
[6]这部影片,触景生情,禁不 住泪如雨下。他为那位梦想成为石雕匠的小男孩遇到了巴赫良师的幸运而感到羡慕,他 为自己那恶梦般不堪回首的遭遇而感到悲伤,他在思想上有了质的飞跃。。。(男高音 大段咏叹调独唱)

“在激情中生活!”从 此,他更迷上了雕塑艺术。。。





肖青松艰苦求索,访问、研究了世界各国多姿多彩的雕塑艺术。。。(此处,可引鉴 小约翰·施特劳斯的歌剧《蝙蝠(Die Fledermaus )》中如何穿插舞蹈场面,从而以各国舞蹈、芭蕾,展现多姿多彩的雕塑艺术)

肖青松在创作过程中,遇到了知音,爱上了一位女芭蕾演员。。。(此处, 可引鉴小约翰
·施特劳斯的歌剧《蝙蝠(Die Fledermaus )》中,帕瓦洛帝演唱的牧羊人对恋 人的思念之歌,以及帕瓦洛帝与琼·萨瑟兰的深情二重唱[7]

他激发出无穷无尽的创作灵 感,作品层出不穷,成了一名二十一世纪出色的雕塑家。




 盛名之下,肖青松仍念念不忘当年助他脱离苦海的好心人,到处去找她(他) 们。。。




 同样是发生在20075月,同样是一个 地球上的少年儿童,同样是面对着一块块砖,他们的境遇竟是如此的天壤之别。


上方两张照片[1][2]:发生在20075月,中央电视台《时空 连线》报道,山西黑砖窑里的孩子。孩子反应迟钝, 常常语无伦次。但被记者问及砖窑时,孩子嘴里蹦出了“监狱”的字眼。

下方两张照片:也是发生在20075月,意大利佛罗伦萨[3](位于意大利中部,14世纪~16世纪欧洲“文艺复兴”[4] 的发源地。有一说 是,徐志摩把它译成“翡冷翠, 更富有诗意)。小雨随意逛到该市中心的一个广场上,远远地就听到欢声笑语不断,走近才知是当地某组织在向少年儿童免 费传授“文艺复兴”时期的雕刻技术。照 片前景上的孩子正聚精会神地在砖上雕刻一颗爱心,您可看到左侧和后方的孩子们也在雕刻,旁边还有雕刻师专门指导。一 共有五六个雕刻工作台,其他台上雕刻的 形象更复杂,记得有一个形象是儿童的头像。

 小雨人在天涯,天隔一方, 全然不知山西黑砖窑童工之苦,深深叹惜当时只拍了这一张。。。


山西黑砖窑379人获救童工自述犹如监 狱服刑

往事不堪回首:大学生讲述沦 为黑窑奴工的亲身经历
文章来源: 潇湘晨报于 2007-06-19

维基百科,自 由的百科全书佛罗伦萨

文艺 复兴
维基 百科,自由的百科全书文艺复兴

Gioachino Rossini - Tancredi - "Di tanti palpiti" (Marilyn Horne, Lucia Valentini-Terrani & Agnes Baltsa)

Gioachino Rossini - Tancredi - "Di tanti palpiti" (Ewa Podles, Vesselina Kasarova & Jennifer Larmore)

Gioachino Rossini - Tancredi - "Di tanti palpiti" (Cecilia Bartoli & Vesselina Kasarova) - Appendix

Not one compilation of Rossini's musical output would be complete without his first "hit tune": "Di tanti palpiti", the moderato section (a cabaletta of sorts) from the cavatina of Tancredi. In his biography of the Maestro, Stendhal wrote that the aria of Tancredi, known throughout Europe, was the most popular opera aria of its time... And also refered to as the "rice aria" because Rossini is supposed to have composed it while waiting for his risotto to cook one day in Venice (imagine: a hungry composer composing such a little masterpiece out of boredom :) )!

The cavatina deals with Tancredi's return from exile Tancredi to defend his homeland against the Saracene besiegers (and to see Amenaide, of course).

Although many recordings of the aria usually give us only the moderato, Tancredi's cavatina is actually a whole scene:
an interlude (depicting Tancredi's boat dropping anchor in a port) - an impassioned recitative - a short (and rather boring) aria - a "cabaletta". It's also interesting to point out that the aria is quite "unrossinian" in character, it almost seems to come from another musical period: the moderato section could be attributed to any composer from the end of the 18th century.

I decided to post only the "Di tanti palpiti" section for a number of reasons, chief amongst them being the fact that it is really the best part of Tancredi's cavatina. It's almost a suprise when it appears after the rather uninspired cantabile.

I once had about ten versions of this aria (including two renditions sung by sopranists, Kowalsi and Manzotti) but I narrowed the choice to six versions:
1) Marilyn Horne (I presume that it's from her full recording of the score). A real classic, Horne just continues to pour out beautiful sound during the whole piece. I also the use of moderate ornamentation during the repeat which doesn't destroy the musical balance and the slow, relaxed tempo from the orchestra.
2) Lucia Valentini-Terrani (from her disk "Arie di Rossini" with Zedda). A good rendition but I find the voice a bit too light for the role. The additional coloratura is well integrated but a bit over the top in places (listen to the very beginning of the repeat, it's a bit too extroverted for a warrior
returning to an "ungrateful homeland").
3) Agnes Baltsa (from "Agnes Baltsa sings Rossini" with Marin). Baltsa really "gets" the situation and offers some relaxed singing though I don't like the intrusive mannerisms (there some unattractive glottal attacks). Marin seems to want to mute out the singer with a very loud orchestra.
4) Ewa Podles (from the complete recording with Zedda). I
personally love the relaxed conducting here: no rushing. I also think that Podles comes close to Horne's standard. An excellent account.
5) Vesselina Kasarova (from the complete recording with Abbado). Again, as in the selections of the second act duet for the lovers, I find that Kasarova is somehow over the top: she paints almost every word and adds quite a lot of ornamentation, even to the first verse (though, most of it is tasteful; the problem is in quantity, rather than quality). She is good but quite overwhelming.
6) Jennifer Larmore (from her excellent album "Call me Mister"). I really do like Larmore, and she doesn't disappoint here: she really sounds like a warrior (compare with Valentini-Terrani who sounds rather tame by comparison). Ornamentation is good, even if it is familiar (though after listening to six versions of the same aria it is bound to be).

The renditions are grouped into two uploads (just check the title to find the one you would like to hear :)).

I also decided that a little appendix wouldn't hurt, so I am also uploading two replacement arias for "Di tanti palpiti":
7) Cecilia Bartoli (from her hit album "Maria"). The piece presented is actually Giovanni Pacini's own composition, "Dopo tante e tante pene" composed for "Tancredi" to show off Maria Malibran's wide vocal range. It's actually not bad, the cabaletta is even quite fun to listen too but it would seem out of place in Rossini's opera (to my mind it is too romantic for Rossini's more classically composed opera).
8) Vesselina Kasarova (again, from the full recording under Abbado). This aria is very similar to the replacement aria for Lindoro in "L'italiana in Algeri" ("Concedi, amor pietoso"), especially the cabaletta. It is quite good as a replacement because it features a much better cantabile section (a way better one, in fact) and the cabaletta is as passionate as in the original.

Hope you enjoy :)! Do take your time and listen to all selections, it's quite interesting to compare them (though, again, this isn't a contest, rather a comparison).

P.S. If you'd rather hear a countertenor sing the aria, then check David Daniel's excellent account on Youtube :).

巴赫牧羊随想曲 2007-10-19 23:10:27  

这几天在观看 DVD《巴赫 - 为自由而战》(德语《Bach - Kampf für die Freiheit》法语《Bach - Lutte pour la Liberté》意大利语《 Bach - Lotta per la Libertà》英语《Bach – Fight for Freedom》)的DVD1995)。影片中,均以巴赫作的乐曲为背景音乐,石雕匠的凿 石节奏,家庭聚会的欢乐笑声,。。。凡人世间的一切美好景象,都成了他创 作的源泉。

 影片主要讲的是巴赫与一位梦想成为石雕匠的小男孩之间 的故事。其中,巴赫找到了一个激动人心的担任音乐大师的职位,因循守旧的 公爵不准他离去。巴赫义正词严地对他说:“我是我自己的主人,你无权将我 困在这儿!”公爵将他囚禁在监狱里,他继续作曲不已。

 在影片中,巴赫对小男孩说:从不绝望!我知道当无人相信你的时候的感觉是什么滋 味。你只是要坚持不懈地相信你自己,你要知道你的内心深处是如何的独 特,。。。人类的精神是那么一种不可思议的力量,。。。尽管有人千方百计 要使你感到绝望,我们的精神依旧可以高扬在天上翱翔。。。在激情中生 活!”

写到此处,小 雨突然想起了一件事。您一定还记得20076有关“山西黑砖窑孩 子”的报道吧。有朝一日,如果您见到了这些砖窑孩子,请一定让他们观 看《巴赫 - 为自由而战》 这部影片,小雨相信他们一定会以巴赫为良师,以那位梦想成为石雕匠的 小男孩为榜样,从此在激情中成长,在激情中生活。与此同时,歌剧砖窑孩子”的 剧情也就有了新的发展。

Luciano Pavarotti and Marilyn Horne as guests of Joan Sutherland in the operetta: The Bat/ Part

Luciano Pavarotti and Marilyn Horne as guests of Joan Sutherland in the operetta: The Bat/ Part

稿 : 2007617:小诗
二稿 : 2007618
稿 : 2007620:改为唱 诗
稿 : 2007715:改为歌 剧
稿 : 20071020观看 DVD《巴赫 – 为自由而战》后, 有感而发,修改剧情。
稿:2010年1224:圣诞夜,再次观看 DVD《巴赫 – 为自由而战》 后,有感而发,剧情由三场增为五场。
稿2012年 4月1日: 吸收素材:实 拍:山西农村儿童简陋窑洞中艰辛求学(组图)
最 新稿:始终登载于小雨的博客上:

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罗 西尼歌剧 《坦克雷迪》 的具体内容或梗概


坦克雷迪(Tancredi),是意大利诗人塔索叙述第一次十字军东征的长篇史诗《被解放的耶路撒冷》中的人物,这个故事曾经无数 次的被音乐家及剧作家反覆衍译,搬上舞台。身为十字军骑士的Tancredi,肩负著收复圣城的使命,但命运却使他爱上了穆斯林女战士 Clorinda。 歌剧是根据法国著名作家伏尔泰原作的剧情改编,由加埃塔诺·罗西根据塔索的《被解放的耶路撒冷》(1575)撰写脚本。伏尔泰的《坦克雷迪》原是部悲 剧作品,经改编的歌剧强调了原作的悲壮因素,尤其是在歌剧改编本中有一段叙述主人公坦克雷蒂为战胜敌人而不惜牺牲自己的生命来拯救祖国的情节。这部歌 剧演出不 久,《坦克雷迪》里的经典咏叹调“忧心忡忡"就在意大利北部各个城市里到处传唱。


Natoue ne unatibus

Mauris urna purus rutrum vitae iaculis

Nestibulum laoreet risuis convallis consectetur in nuege. Naim placerat ulamce sollicitue duipretium licituin necerais feugiamt congue puru volutpat sucipit convallis anmegte alsqiu sevitae nulla libero tincidunt laoret convallis.


Sern soituin

Nestibulum lareo risu conis nuege naim placerat ulamce sm duipretiu licituin necerais feugiat a voluitpat suscipit convallis anmegte sevitae nulla libero tincidunt laoir placerat ulamce sollicitue duipretiu.

Nistibulum lareo

Fusce mauris

Nestibulum lareo risu conis nuege naim placerat ulamce sm duipretiu licituin necerais feugiat a voluitpat suscipit convallis anmegte sevitae nulla libero tincidunt laoir placerat ulamce sollicitue duipretiu.

Nistibulum lareo

Fusce faucibus porta ornare fusce baucibus leonisi pulvinar mattis praesent non nisl sapien.