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《Les abeilles dans le nid d'oiseau | Le api nel nido degli uccelli | The Bees in Bird Nestle | 蜂驻雀巢》
《Les abeilles dans le nid d'oiseau | Le api nel nido degli uccelli | The Bees in Bird Nestle | 蜂驻雀巢》
A few years ago, we put 1 man-made wooden bird-house hanging lower on 1 pine tree in garden, hoping birds will enjoy it as their home, hence we could observe them closer.
1 side wall of the bird-house can be flipped up, then inside room can be observed through 1 slidable、full-size transparent plexiglass, so …
Until 1 day, big surprise! we found that bird-house has become home of bees

, there are quite a lot of tiny、feather-like fine grasses filled inside. Who brought grasses in for bees? we didn't, 1 real mystery. The bees are busy working there, in & out, not afraid of human being at all, there are honey dripping out of bird-house too. Solute, dear bees, we, as human being, adore you

While birds still tirelessly build secret nests higher on pine tree, we could hardly see them, nevertheless, we can certainly listen their rehearsal & concert performances from time to time

What 1 wonderful “Natural selection”(Charles Darwin) , what 1 sweet harmony!
2) Charles Darwin, 1 naturalist、geologist & biologist, best known for his contributions to the science of evolution.
3) The modern industrialization has been incrementally destroying our planet & biodiversity. Too many over-scale human-communities、skyscraper-complexes are built up in rocket speed, without cautious planning for bird life、bee life. Every day, birds are less & less, bees are less & less, they need homes, safe、survival、sustainable homes.
4) 《法国2021年蜜蜂再次大量死去》
法国国家食品,环境和劳动卫生署( ANSES) 今天公布的最新研究显示,2021 年有将近 25% 的蜜蜂被发现死在蜂箱中,显示蜜蜂死亡严重,这是在2018年出现大约30%死亡,造成严重损失后,在2019年和2020年情况曾经出现好转。
发表时间: 14/12/2021 - 15:18
布列塔尼的蜂巢 Jean-Louis Le Moigne(图片)
法国国家食品,环境和劳动卫生署今天公布的最新研究显示,2021 年有将近 25% 的蜜蜂被发现死在蜂箱中,显示蜜蜂死亡严重,这是在2018年出现大约30%蜜蜂死亡,造成严重损失后,在2019年和2020年情况出现好转,今年情况再次变糟糕。