★ The conscious ant vs the techy elephant
Hugo Aujourd'hui |
Hugo Oggi |
Hugo Today |
V1.000.2022-05-28 |
V1.000.2022-05-28 |
V1.000.2022-05-28 |
V1.000.2022-05-28 |
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Original: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/gary-marcus-b6384b4_horse-rides-astronaut-activity-6936367603762290688-Iwrb? |
◉ Référence | ◉ Reference |
[1] 🤔Ant’s contemplation: When 1 elephant grows tooooo big, inevitably it will encounter certain bottlenecks, technically、politically & ethically, how to rationally deal with them is 1 unresolved puzzle for Silicon Valley, for any big entity, any big country worldwide …, … . . 《Tension Inside Google Over a Fired AI Researcher’s Conduct》 Google employees claim a senior researcher fired earlier this year sought to undermine two more junior AI researchers by suggesting their results were wrong or even falsified. MAY 31, 2022 7:00 AM https://www.wired.com/story/google-brain-ai-researcher-fired-tension/ |
Mauris urna purus rutrum vitae iaculis
Nestibulum laoreet risuis convallis consectetur in nuege. Naim placerat ulamce sollicitue duipretium licituin necerais feugiamt congue puru volutpat sucipit convallis anmegte alsqiu sevitae nulla libero tincidunt laoret convallis.
Nestibulum lareo risu conis nuege naim placerat ulamce sm duipretiu licituin necerais feugiat a voluitpat suscipit convallis anmegte sevitae nulla libero tincidunt laoir placerat ulamce sollicitue duipretiu.
Nestibulum lareo risu conis nuege naim placerat ulamce sm duipretiu licituin necerais feugiat a voluitpat suscipit convallis anmegte sevitae nulla libero tincidunt laoir placerat ulamce sollicitue duipretiu.
2) Google translator was originally in vertical Below-Up, not horizontal Left-Right layout. 2006-10-23, 1 concious ant pointed out that architecture design flaw in public forum. 2006-10-25, magic happened, that flaw had gone😲. The ant, didn’t get recognition, it’s just ant, so what?
3) Google company was originally named “Google”. 2012, 1 concious ant initiated 1 public forum discussion for 1 heavyweight book:
Robert K. Logan,
《The Alphabet Effect: The Impact of the Phonetic Alphabet on the Development of Western Civilization》
St Martins Press, 1987.
Somehow Google heard that discussion, “stole” that extremely important Conciousness.
2015-08-10, Google became “Alphabet”.
4) …, …
5) 2 Google founders are heros.
Re: Clive Hudson
Screenshot: https://HugoAujourdhui.org/ ☞ 🌴🌳🌲 hugo-creaders-archive-index ☞ 🌲 ★ 多语种浏览器,韩家亮,Logan,"Alphabet字母表对西方文明的发展的影响力" Re: 胡果威:统一世界语言的梦想
2012-06-02 ☞ 🌿 ☞ 🍃 🍃 🍃